speaks to all human beings. Every single person born on planet Earth
has an opportunity to accept God's plan for the salvation of the human
race. But most will not understand God's communication because it is
spiritual in nature. Volume 1 of Revelations From God discusses the
different types of visions and how the Lord speaks through visions and
dreams; We see it throughout the Bible. But God also speaks by other
means of which the Scripture demonstrates at least 23 ways. God reveals
Himself to us through our spiritual eyes in the form of visions and He
often speaks to us through our spiritual ears in revelations.
God created you at this point in time for a specific purpose; you need to find out what that purpose is. Most Christians never develop a close relationship with their Fathe because they are never taught the various ways by which He communicates. In Volume II of Revelations From God the different types of revelation are discussed by which God conveys knowledge to encourage you to work with the Holy Spirit to develop spiritual gifts so that you can do great things for the Kingdom.