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Smith Wigglesworth Devotional PB - Smith Wigglesworth

Smith Wigglesworth Devotional PB - Smith Wigglesworth




365 Day Devotional
Smith Wigglesworth was a man who took God at his word, and God used his faith as a model for others. Explore these daily truths from Scripture and the writings of the Apostle of Faith, and you'll quench your spiritual thirst, conquer defeating fears, be an effective soul winner, and see impossibilities turn into realities.
Collected from the writings and teachings of Smith Wigglesworth, these daily devotions bring you right to the heart of God. The simple yet inspiring words of this well-known evangelist offer a dynamic message for each day of the year--a message of fullness of divine power. Discover through Wigglesworth's writings how you can experience victorious living, transmit God's love and miracles to others, live in the presence of God, and much more.

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