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Secret Keeper Girl: T Is For Anthonia PB - Dannesh Gresh

Secret Keeper Girl: T Is For Anthonia PB - Dannesh Gresh



Normal Price:£9.99

20.02% (£2.00)


Against her dad's wishes and the school's rules, Toni tries out for the boy's football team. She just can't understand why God made her both the best athlete in sixth grade and a girl. After landing in detention for sneaking into the tryouts, Toni meets three new friends who accept her as she is.
"The heart behind Secret Keeper Girl: Discovering My Value as a Masterpiece, in the authors own words: "My past fifteen years of studying at-risk teen and tween behavior has over and over again led me to good news: girls who are exposed to an age-appro­priate, Bible-based understanding of beauty and fashion between the ages of 8-12 tend to be less likely to engage in early sexual activity or have body image issues. They are also more likely to have healthy friendships, excel academically, and become positive social contributors in their com­munities, all while expressing their beauty and value appropriately. ""It’s not rocket science. It is social science paired with a whole lot of prayer and Bible study. We can change what tween girls see when they look in the mirror by changing what's inside their hearts.” This interactive book is geared toward tween girls

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